Friday, 20 February 2009


Emotions, feelings and anything that did not conform to blackness, is a weakness inside a demon strong as she is. She did not laugh unless she caused pain, she did not smile unless another cried, she did not enjoy unless they had sorrow. For all the discord she carried with her, she was still somewhat flawed in others eyes.

For one she cared...

Whether it be for the individuals of her family or her family as a whole, or those she had connections to outside of it. The fact she cared so deeply was weakness, and she was told this to her face. Emotions will cloud her judgement, besides it was a human trait.

Think of the family as a whole do not endanger their lives for one person, the losses of a few outweight the losses of many. Always, always she must guard the House and think of its safety first, it is not the first time nor it will be the last she is Lordless. It was plainly seen to many that she perhaps, had far too much placed in him. Weak and it is weak to care oh evil one.

Speaking of those she would guard or even trust, she waited in the library eating cookies waiting for Joah. Her spirit sister under threat from one of her own, who she warned that if she sees him harming her there will be Hell to pay. Arthores said he got the go ahead from Lorne, she pointed out she didn't care what Lorne said. Joah is her sister only she could hurt her, he better hurt her when she can not see. Of course she informed Joah of such things, for as all know Shadows come first and foremost. She will not punish what she has not see, once more Joah was reminded of the knife edge she walks on.

Even if she did trust few of the Omegans she would still stab them, Grr had once before asked Blueray to trust him as he trusted her to be what she is. Magpie however was a different matter, and the relationship between them was a stange one. They would tease and taunt one another as was the manner of angel and demon, but often or not they turned to serious conversation. Before she left the library saying she is used to losing everything, he whispers to her that she will always have him. Conversation was long mostly going over how fucked up they both were, then the Pack was bought up and what happened to her through them.

He wants to destroy them all, to wreck the den and bring them down. Him and few others like him would do the same, how such terrible deeds spawned her in to what she is. Alas what is done is done....

Her heart grows weary as she feels her uselessness greaten, they do not need her like they used to. They can make do without her, the last two weeks have proven that. Thus her days here are numbered, all it will take is time. Yet she loves the Shadows dearly, she gave them all that she had....

Lulz of the day:

[2009/02/18 18:16] DCS2 2.45.2: Raven Ebi OOC: blue your feet make me think of a blue chicken

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


[Warning: Contains scenes of a sexual nature :P]

Okay there are two Priests roaming the streets, one that is for Dagon and one that is against Dagon. The one against desires to have recruits who it will pick of its own choosing, unfortunately that has led up to us losing our Lord and Nikita to the Priest. While Lorne and Kishi endeavour to gather information researching this, Dante has taken it upon himself to proclaim himself a temperary Lord. I decided to let him as it has been often or not the Guardian's place to do just that, and I have been in and out of the city a lot recently.

Pieter... How was I to know something was not right? I hugged him as I always do and he drained me, at the same time Quiet drained Aaryanna. Father also returned to the city I had heard rumours, he was looking for family for some reason and my first thought was perhaps do me harm. Luckily my true self was showing to prove that I am a daughter of Janvier, he was impressed of how I looked how I shaped the shell I inhabit. Even my father is no match for the possessed Pieter, we will get our Shadows back.

So it seems the city is a battle ground, the epicenter of some ancient war that is older than the hatred between wolf and vampire. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Dream sequence

Inside her shadow doth the blue demoness lay, curled tight with tail tucked between her legs. If seen one would deem that perhaps she lay as if inside an egg, her nature quelled in the depths of dreaming her features of angelic beauty possessive of a smile. Oh fiend, oh monster, creature of base desires of no morals, the perfect abomination fashioned by the corrupt city. Yet it is in this time hidden from the world, that anything of her human self utterly shattered as it was would show. Unstable in mind during her waking hours masking her intelligence, it was here in slumber when everything settled to allow her true freedom. Freedom from the burden of appearing strong, freedom to be a woman first and a demon second.

Briefly stirring she shifted in her sleep a murmer of the hunger that raked her, both the need of her stomach and of her demanding body. In answer to the silent call a figure loomed beside, tall of stature and seemingly muscular the form taut. Masculine in shape with no discernable features, he is the faceless stranger of her dreams. He moved silently no sound at all betrayed him, he knelt placing one knee between her legs to ease them apart his over beside her right leg. Gently his hands reach for her tail soothing the palms over the scales, in response it uncurled away from her body. Easing his knee against her crotch he rubbed it over the area, a sound of amusment rumbled in his throat when she went on to her back. Too easy.

Good thing Blueray slept naked and he was also unclothed, he looked down to see his knee that was now slightly damp. Using both his hands he widen her legs apart further, now laying on his stomach his head where his knee cap had been. He lightly spread her pussy lips in a fashion suggestive of parting flower petals, tender fingers held her open while his tongue slavered a path over her clit. Above him the demoness moaned her eyes fluttering open, she knew she was dreaming thus she had no sense of panic. Perfect he thought flicking circles to make her clit swell further, when he drove his tongue up inside his mouth clamped upon the sensetive flesh. A gasp broke from her rolling past her lips, unbidden sounds of pleasure and her hips bucked against him. Gripping his hands upon those hips he pinned her down, burying his tongue in deep to taste her liquid center. He did not relent in his taking of her, his teeth lightly nipped and teased his tongue a tool of desire licking her most teasured places. She burst like a bubble being poked, he drank her down every drop.

Turning on her side once he let her go she stared at him, he was on his knees fingers curled around his now hardened shaft. Slowly he stroked his length tempting the woman to come to him, when she knelt before him he stood to rub his cock tip over her trembling lips. Her own tongue long of reptillian nature lashed out to lick the underside of his length, he shuddered giving her joy of one small moan that prompted her. Sliding him in to her silken mouth her tongue coils about the width, her lips encircled him completly and drew him in further. He appeared helpless now lost in his own ectasy, he grips the top of her head with a hand and thrusts in to her warm mouth. Forced to take him she slashes her claws dowh his hips that drove madder, her coiled tongue squeezed as it soothed along his heated skin. Fangs came in contact with his tip, softly grazing enticing to spin him out of control til he bucked unable to stop. Drawing back her tongue she snaked its way in to his slit, tenderly sucking to give him pleasure as he had her. No longer could he be contained that with a cry, he unloaded down the back of her throat before pulling away. A few more strokes of his hand he spilled more upon her supple breasts, she purred in earnest her hunger not yet sated.

Growling feircly his erection non abaiting he forced Blueray to all fours, behind her he knelt grabbing her hips and brutally entering his cock in to her. She was willing she was ready the passage easy, the tight vice of flesh instinctivly tightening sucking him in. Laying over her back he snarls again begining a steady, hard yet slow pace seeking to go deep within her, he surged forwards sheathing himself inside her to pull back only to thrust in her. Rhythemtic it was and she picked the motion up easily, using her own body to move in time with his becoming a unision of lust. Both their cries were heard as they sought to please one another, her claws scoring the ground while his nails raked along her sides. His teeth found her neck he bit her, elicting a louder cry and he drove in to her faster, harder. Heat of their bodies becoming almost unbearable skin against skin, it all felt terrible good causing each sensation each spark of passion to build in them. With stiffening muscles, arching back she threw back her head to howl while her orgasm broke and gushed, crashing through her like an ocean wave breaking against a sandy beach. He joined her once her undulating inner walls massaged his cock, filling her with his hot seed as she milked him dry of all he had.

They fell together in a panting heap, legs entangled about one another. Still inside he moves against her, she groans full from the meal full of him. She let him take her let him slide in and out of her, she wraps herself around him moving to be on top to ride.....

Morning breaks I wake fullfilled by who or by what, a dream just a dream it had to be. I can go a few more days without feeding though, I used my last soul stone... Still just a dream but it felt so real, I haven't had a dream like that in years. I enjoyed it.

[My writing is lame XD]

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Snow is melted

The journal page is written in two different handwritings, one is Blueray herself [Italic] and the other her shadow [Bold] (Also its a post of a few days events)

The snow is gone melted all over the city, I spent a few hours watching it vanish from sight not even slush behind. I remember the city I grew up in all the snow would melt and be slush, there was none of that here as if the toxins in the air prevent it. While I stood watching I conversed with Alynna, a demon of reputation that I have seen a few times and once back when I still had fur. I rather like her but some Shadows have an issue with her, apprently she glares at them. They don't understand she's a demoness she acts like one, and I act in kind around so have gained mutual respect to one another.

I guess I spent most of the day talking to her, she was interesting and we discussed mainly demon classes and powers. I told her of Delrith and of Janvier how I was turned, I don't normally talk about that stuff unless I feel like it.... Ah well, I moved on.

Library... Always this place but my mistress is right it has been a center for chaos, and she needed a meal she was starving. Staring at the fireplace Denenthorn greets her sneaks up behind, Dragonheart he calls her I don't know why. Bridgette was here too the human girl my mistress can't kill, watching my mistress and Denenthorn. Bridgette got very insistant that the two kiss and swap spit, mistress spoke of what she needed in order to feed. However with the urgings of the human girl, Denenthorn leant down bundled mistress in to his arms and he kissed her. The response was slow at first she had been taken off guard by it, mistress blushed though I could feel her get hot. My poor mistress has been neglected of late, it is no wonder her desire flared.

There is no greater feeling than temptation, so great that it tends to drown out the love one feels. Source of my temptation is the one my sisterwife loves, the tightrope I am walking on is a precarious one. He kissed me first he drove me in to being tempted by him, I was caught up in his own emotions not mine. Just once I want him just once, and I hear Picket snarling behind me.

Delrith found me I had left the city to find my own personal nesting ground on the mainland, he had come to where I had set my place should be. I was down to three soul stones now I had no proper meal except two days ago from chaos, Delrith fed me gave me a full meal even if the time was restrained. I forgot about Magpie forgot the encounter, all I had in this time and now was the intimacy and love I always held for Del. Love that I had for another and thus now was I in the boundries of polygamy, unsure and scared to invest everything that I am in to one person.

To be honest, why should I?

Lulz of the day:

[11:17] Quiet Thunders: hi blue so do you know where toxia is?
[11:17] Blueray Darkes: No sorry never heard of it
[11:17] Quiet Thunders: ok thanks
[11:18] Blueray Darkes: No worries